Document Robotic-assisted surgery in gynecologic oncology: A Society of Gynecologic Oncology consensus statement Developed by the Society of Gynecologic Oncology's Clinical Practice Robotics Task Force
Document Metastatic Appendiceal Mucinous Adenocarcinoma to Well-Differentiated Diffuse Mesothelioma of the Peritoneal Cavity: A Mimicker of Florid Mesothelial Hyperplasia in Association With Neoplasms
Document Abagovomab As Maintenance Therapy in Patients With Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: A Phase III Trial of the AGO OVAR, COGI, GINECO, and GEICO—The MIMOSA Study
Document A multicenter evaluation of adjuvant therapy in women with optimally resected stage IIIC endometrial cancer
Document Chemoradiation with adjuvant hysterectomy for stage IB-2 cervical cancer: a 10-year experience
Document Analysis of disease recurrence and survival for women with uterine malignancies undergoing robotic surgery
Document Robot-assisted versus open radical hysterectomy: A multi-institutional experience for early-stage cervical cancer
Document Use of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in the management of platinum- sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer: current concepts
Document Perioperative Outcomes for Laparotomy Compared to Robotic Surgical Staging of Endometrial Cancer in the Elderly
Document Functional Characterization of a Fluorescent Highly Tumorigenic Ovarian Cancer Line to Test Cellular Therapy in Experimental Models
Document Peri-operative outcomes of patients with stage IV endometriosis undergoing robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery
Document Short- and long-term morbidity and outcomes after robotic surgery for comprehensive endometrial cancer staging
Document Second-line dovitinib (TKI258) in patients with FGFR2-mutated or FGFR2-non-mutated advanced or metastatic endometrial cancer: a non-randomised, open-label, two-group, two-stage, phase 2 study
Document AAV–sBTLA facilitates HSP70 vaccine-triggered prophylactic antitumor immunity against a murine melanoma pulmonary metastasis model in vivo
Document Association of Sp1 and survivin in epithelial ovarian cancer: Sp1 inhibitor and cisplatin, a novel combination for inhibiting epithelial ovarian cancer cell proliferation
Document Cellular therapy in combination with cytokines improves survival in a xenograft mouse model of ovarian cancer